วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Mesothelioma Settlement

Mesothelioma settlement can help ease the burden of having Mesothelioma Cancer. Mesothelioma settlements are to help Mesothelioma Cancer sufferers with their treatment and ongoing support, as most sufferers will be adversely affected by the Mesothelioma.

Often a Mesothelioma sufferer may require a caregiver to help them following their Chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation therapy treatment. This may be a family member, or in some cases, may need to be an independent caregiver. A Mesothelioma settlement will take all of these requirements into consideration.

In many cases Mesothelioma Settlement is reached outside of court, once a Mesothelioma Law suit has been imposed. Often, Mesothelioma Settlements are made with the manufacturers of the Asbestos related substances that are involved in the Mesothelioma Law suit.

Mesothelioma Settlement is usually aimed at those responsible for non-disclosure of the dangers of asbestos related substances, which leads to injury, or death. Sadly, in many cases of Mesothelioma Cancer, a sufferer?s life is drastically shortened.

Therefore, it is important that Mesothelioma Cancer sufferers receive adequate compensation, through filing a Mesothelioma Law suit and receive an adequate Mesothelioma settlement.

In order to receive an adequate Mesothelioma settlement, it is important to obtain a good Mesothelioma Attorney, or Lawyer, from a reputable Mesothelioma Law Firm. This will ensure that your Mesothelioma Law suit is handled in a professional manner and that you receive an appropriate Mesothelioma settlement.

Mesothelioma Attorneys and Lawyers should have knowledge of the laws pertaining to Workers Compensation, injury and death. These areas of the law are pertinent in any Mesothelioma Law suit and will be the laws in which Mesothelioma Settlement will be based upon.

Mesothelioma Cancer contracted due to exposure to an Asbestos related substance is also considered to cause sever disability to the sufferer and often results in the sufferer being unable to continue to function, or to work, to their full abilities.

Mesothelioma Settlements will also take into consideration a Mesothelioma sufferer?s inability to continue a normal life. Usually, Mesothelioma Settlements are generous and provide Mesothelioma sufferer?s with comfort and security, knowing that they will be able to receive the best medical treatment and support.

If you, or someone you know, have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma Cancer you should consider seeking legal advice from a Mesothelioma Attorney, or Lawyer, who will be capable of obtaining a generous Mesothelioma Settlement for you, or the person that you know.

Remember, it is your right to seek a Mesothelioma Settlement and to receive the best medical treatment and support, as Mesothelioma Cancer is a tragic disease, which is usually only contracted through wrongful exposure to an Asbestos related substance

About the Author

Learn more about mesothelioma treatment and asbestos litigation go here: http://www.mesothelioma-treatment-center.com/mesothelioma-settlement.htm

Mesothelioma Your Health In Jeopardy

Are you at risk of Mesothelioma?

If you are above 40 and have ever been exposed to asbestos continuously for more than 2 months in last 15-40 years, then you are at risk of Mesothelioma. It is a rare but deadly cancer of membrane cells, which covers some vital parts of our body like lungs, abdominal cavity and heart, called mesothelium. Like in other cancers, in mesothelioma the membrane cells divide ruthlessly causing abnormal growth, which ultimately damage the lining of vital organ such as lungs and abdomen.

Causes of Mesothelioma

Asbestos a mineral, used in different processes including building, shipyard and manufacturing in the days of World War II and for a few more decades, is the main cause of Mesothelioma. Researches have proved that those who have worked in asbestos related industries are mostly at risk of Mesothelioma. The minute asbestos particles go into human body through nose or mouth during inhalation, talking or any other reason. They reach lungs or abdomen and damage the lining, causing Mesothelioma. Due to its long latency period, mesothelioma can attack you even 15 ?? 40 years after the inhalation of asbestos particles. Even the family members of person working in asbestos related industries could be vulnerable to mesothelioma.

Treatments for Mesothelioma

Because Mesothelioma is a newly found disease, many doctors may not be able to diagnose it. However, if you have a known history of asbestos exposure you should ask your doctor to look for the symptoms of this disease. The good news is that there is a treatment for mesothelioma in the early stages. Some treatment options for mesothelioma cancers are surgical removal of the effected tissues; chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, the prognosis of later stage mesothelioma patients is bleak and the average survival time after diagnosis is 12-24 months.

Mesothelioma Compensations

The owners of Asbestos related industries were quite aware of the health hazards of asbestos. However, they persisted with its use without issuing any warnings or taking steps for avoiding the health hazards. This is the reason why US courts have awarded huge sums as compensations to the Mesothelioma patients/families by the companies/persons responsible for causing asbestos exposure.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

Asbestos Cause Of Deadly Mesothelioma

A View of Mesothelioma

Asbestos is the commercial name given to certain types of fibrous materials. They are silicates of varying compositions; the silica combined with such bases as Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, sodium and Aluminum. Asbestos fibers are usually from 20 to 500  in length and 0.5 to 50 in diameter. Asbestos bodies appear as golden brown or beaded rods with a translucent center. The fibers are insoluble. The exposure of asbestos causes fibers to be inhaled and fine dust deposited in the alveoli inside the lungs consequently causing a type of cancer called Mesothelioma (a deadly tumor) involving Mesothelial tissues or usually cells of lungs or stomach and abdominal organs.

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer of the Pleura (lung cancer) and Peritoneum (abdomen cancer). Mesothelioma has been shown to have a strong association with the crocidolite variety of asbestos. Pleural mesothelioma, the most common manifestation of asbestos exposure, is well-circumscribed plaques of dense collagen, often containing calcium. Peritoneum Mesothelioma may or may not contain asbestos bodies and rarely do they occur in persons who have no history or evidence of asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma not only occurs in people who are exposed the asbestos, but also to them who had been living in vicinity to asbestos manufacturing process or those staying in asbestos contaminated buildings. In Great Britain, an association was reported between Mesothelioma and people living within 1 kilometer of an asbestos factory.

The risk of Mesothelioma is reported to be high in those cases where occupational exposure to asbestos is combined with cigarette smoking. Mesothelioma usually does not appear until after 5 to 10 years of exposure. Mesothelioma causes mechanical irritation and in the advanced cases, there may be symptoms of clubbing of fingers, and cardiac distress. The survival time of Mesothelioma patients is generally ranges from 12 months to 2 years of diagnosis and very few survive longer than 2 years.

The following measures can be useful in preventing occurrences of Mesothelioma:

?? Use of safer types of asbestos (chrysolite and amosite)

?? Substitution of other insulators such as glass fiber, mineral wool, calcium silicate plastic foams

?? Rigorous dust control

?? Periodic examination of workers such as biological monitoring (clinical, X-ray, lung function)

The government should take adequate steps and make appropriate legislation to stop or minimize the case of asbestos exposure Mesothelioma. If you or any one of your families or friends is suffering from Mesothelioma, you have the legal right to file lawsuits for getting compensation for the medical facilities, loss of income and pain. You can consult a qualified attorney for filing a Mesothelioma lawsuit for comensation.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

An Understanding Of Mesothelioma Cause

Mesothelioma cause refers to the thing or event responsible for mesothelioma cancers. Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease of the lining of abdominal organs, lungs and heart. Almost all the cases of mesothelioma disease somehow or the other are linked with exposure to asbestos particles. Exposure to asbestos particles could cause mesothelioma even if the level of exposure is very low. Studies reveal that about 70 to 80 % of total mesothelioma cases have a history of asbestos exposure thereby identifying asbestos as the single largest mesothelioma cause. Occurrence of mesothelioma without any history of exposure to asbestos particles is very rare.

Some Facts about Mesothelioma Cause

Asbestos exposure is the only known mesothelioma cause. Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals. It contains strong and flexible fibers. One can separate these fibers in to thin threads. Commercial use of asbestos started in late nineteenth century. It was widely used because of its durability and ability to withstand high temperatures. Asbestos was widely used in brake linings, cement, roofing shingles, textile, flooring, insulation and many other industrial products. Small asbestos particles remain suspended in the course of manufacturing of these products. Asbestos workers, their family members those residing near asbestos manufacturing industries could easily inhale asbestos fibers that could cause mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases.

The biggest mesothelioma cause is the negligence of asbestos manufacturers. Manufacturers continued using asbestos even after being aware of its harmful effects. They did not issue any warnings or take necessary precautions to prevent asbestos exposure to the workers. Had they been sincere in their responsibilities, many people suffering from mesothelioma and dangerous asbestos related diseases would have been healthy and happy.

Smoking Increases Mesothelioma Risk

Experts are of the opinion that smoking in itself is not a mesothelioma cause. Nevertheless, it increases the risk of pleural mesothelioma ?? the mesothelioma of the linings of the lungs. Studies have revealed that smokers with asbestos exposure have an increased mesothelioma risk when compared to non-smokers with similar exposure to asbestos particles.

Preventive Measures against Mesothelioma Cause

Studies have reveled that family members of asbestos workers have suffered with mesothelioma. The mesothelioma cause in this case is the asbestos dust particles settled on the clothes, shoes and hair of the asbestos workers that their family members inhaled. Workers should shower and change their clothing to avoid the possibility of exposing family members to asbestos particles. Workers should also put on protective equipments to reduce the risk of asbestos exposure.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

วันพุธที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Mesothelioma Symptoms of Mesothelioma Cancer

There are various symptoms of Mesothelioma cancer, but sometimes they don\'t appear until 30 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos, hence the importance of following the series of recommendations for prevention of asbestos-related diseases among asbestos workers.

The most common Mesothelioma symptoms are shortness of breath and pain in the chest. These symptoms occur due to a buildup of fluid in the pleura, what is known as Pleural Mesothelioma. However the symptoms of Peritoneal Mesothelioma include weight loss, abdominal pain and swelling due to an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Peritoneal mesothelioma may include other uncomfortable symptoms too, such as bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia and fever.

However these symptoms can appear before if malignant cancerous cells have spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, and other symptoms such as trouble swallowing, pain, and swelling of the neck or face may appear.

Mesothelioma or other less serious conditions may caused these symptoms, therefore the importance of going to a doctor if you feel any of these symptoms, because only an expert like him can make a correct diagnosis.

Mesothelioma cancer rate has increased over the past 20 years and although this disease is not as common as other cancer pathologies, the number of new diagnosed cases in the United States has risen up to 2,000 per year.

According to experts the major risk factor for developing Mesothelioma lies in working with asbestos, so if you are a asbestos worker remember following the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommendations in order to reduce your risk.

Next Article: Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

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วันอังคารที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Searching for the best sourced advice regarding mesothelioma

Searching for the best sourced advice regarding mesothelioma lawyers.
When you\'re in the hunt for top information about mesothelioma lawyers, it will be intricate separating superior information from ill-advised mesothelioma lawyers suggestions and help so it is wise to know ways of moderating the information you are given.

Now we would like to offer you some advice which we advise you to use when you\'re seeking information about mesothelioma lawyers. It is important to remember that the advice we offer is only pertinent to internet based information concerning mesothelioma lawyers. We do not give you any direction or assistance when you are also conducting research offline.

Asbestos Legal Help
If you have suffered as a result of Asbestos exposure fill in this form to have a lawyer help you evaluate your case.

An interesting tip to pursue when you\'re presented with information and advice about a mesothelioma lawyers site is to verify the ownership of the website. This may show you who owns the site mesothelioma lawyers integrity The easiest way to reveal who owns the mesothelioma lawyers website is to look on the \'contact\' page or \'about this site\' information.

Any reputable site providing information about mesothelioma lawyers, will always have contact information that will list the owner\'s details. The details should make known some indication regarding the owner\'s proficency and credentials. You can then decide for yourself about the vendor\'s insight and appreciation, to advise people on the subject of mesothelioma lawyers.

About the author:

Heath Macanally is the webmaster for http://www.mesothelioma-lawyers-attorney.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

4 Tips to Help You Find a Reputable Mesothelioma Lawyer

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the sac lining the chest (the pleura), the lining around the heart (the pericardium), or the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum). Studies have shown that people, who suffer from the disease mesothelioma, were exposed to an abundance of asbestos at one time or another in their life. Unfortunately, many people become exposed to asbestos unknowingly, usually as part of a job. Because of this, someone who has mesothelioma is often entitled to compensation. There are many mesothelioma lawyers, but the following easy tips can make it easier to find a mesothelioma lawyer.

1. Research all you can concerning mesothelioma. The more you understand the disease affecting you or a loved one, the better you will be able to judge a lawyer?s expertise. A lawyer who understands many aspects about the disease is the ideal lawyer. If your lawyer understands your or your loved one?s symptoms, and complications stemming from the disease, he or she will be better able to defend you. Unfortunately, some lawyers do not ?do their homework? in regards to medical cases. This often leads to losing cases. A reputable lawyer will certainly know the ins and outs of the disease, so be sure to ask as many questions as you can think of.

2. Use phone books and Internet search engines to find lawyers. This may seem simple, but some people don?t bother taking the time to look through many lawyers. Accepting the first lawyer that calls, or that one sees on TV is not a good idea. Searching in Google for the keyword ?mesothelioma lawyer? will yield better results in the end than simply accepting whatever lawyer comes along. Giving yourself a variety of lawyers to consider will give you the best idea of who will be willing to work hardest for you, who is sincere, and who will most likely help you win your claim.

3. Read the fine print, and know your lawyer?s case history. Once you are nearing your decision and narrowing down potential candidates, take your research to a new level. It is always a good idea to find out about a lawyer?s case history. Additionally, it is advisable to know exactly what kind of deal the lawyer is seeking with you. Lawyers dealing with medical-related lawsuits usually do not get paid unless they win the settlement. Some lawyers request different percentages. Compare these requests and choose the lawyer that you would feel most comfortable with. Unfortunately, some lawyers might try to take advantage of an unknowing client. In order to protect your interests, and make sure you acquire the top-notch lawyer you deserve, do background research on lawyers before signing up.

4. Finally, don?t be afraid to take advice. If a friend, or colleague suggests a lawyer, don?t hesitate to check it out. If a friend refers you, he or she obviously has your best interests at heart, and so the lawyer is probably well qualified to take on your case. There are many groups out there for mesothelioma patients. If you or a loved one is in one of these groups, don?t hesitate to ask for advice from others who have mesothelioma. Advice is often taken for granted, but it is one of the most valuable things a friend can give.

Mesothelioma is an awful disease, but there is compensation. This compensation can either be sought in a wrongful death suit, or while the patient is still living. It is advisable to find a lawyer as quickly as possible because there is often a statute of limitations on filing a lawsuit. The basic idea when searching for a mesothelioma lawyer is to be as educated as possible. Know what you want, and find a lawyer that is willing to help you in any way possible. Being well informed about your disease and potential lawyers will put you on the path to compensation.

About the Author

Robert Linebaugh is interested in medical topics, especially mesothelioma.

วันเสาร์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Mesothelioma Compensation

If you or, someone you know, has been diagnosed with, or has been showing the symptoms of Mesthelioma Cancer, you should consider seeking compensation. Being diagnosed with Mesthelioma Cancer means that at some stage in your life you have been exposed to Asbestos substances.

Mesthelioma Cancer can affect the lungs, heart and abdominal area and may require, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and/or immuno-augmentative therapy. All of these treatments will require medical expenses to be paid and might result in loss of work while you recover.

Also, being diagnosed with Mesthelioma means that your lifespan is going to be considerable shorter, than if you had not been exposed to Asbestos substances and had not developed Mesthelioma Cancer.

Seeking compensation is something that anyone with Mesothelioma Cancer is entitled to, as in most cases the exposure to Asbestos related substance was endured under circumstances involving ?blind trust?.

It has been found that many building workers have been exposed to Asbestos related substances without prior knowledge of the dangers involved. It has been found in many courts, through Asbestos litigation, that many building companies have been negligent in not informing their workers of the risks involved in handling the Asbestos related products.

To date, well over 10,000 people have died in the United States from exposure to Asbestos. With these figures, if you, or someone you know, have been exposed to Asbestos related substances and are showing symptoms, you should consider seeking compensation, as early detection and treatment will prevent you from becoming another early statistic.

Some of the early signs of Mesothelioma Cancer include, abdominal pain, chest pain, coughing, difficulty breathing and fever. Often sufferers of Mesothelioma Cancer will develop other related illnesses, as their immune system is often affected as it battles to fight the Cancer.
Do not think that you do not deserve Compensation, as you are entitled to it. Compensation for developing Mesothelioma Cancer, as a result of exposure to an Asbestos related substance can help pay for your medical treatment, time off work and ongoing support.

In many cases, Asbestos litigation has resulted in Mesothelioma Cancer sufferers being awarded substantial amounts to cover damages, through loss of health and the inability to be able to lead an active and full life.

There are a number of well-trained attorneys and paralegals, who have experience in dealing with litigation claims for Mesothelioma compensation. If you, or someone you know is a sufferer of Mesothelioma Cancer, or think that you might have Mesothelioma Cancer, seek professional medical and legal advice.

About the Author

Learn more about mesothelioma treatment and asbestos litigation go here: http://www.mesothelioma-treatment-center.com/mesothelioma-compensation.htm

วันพุธที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Catching a Killer New Steps Taken in Treating Mesothelioma

There?s a silent killer out there. It creeps up on its victims, attacks them quietly and unsuspectingly, and initiates a wound that develops over many years before it eventually causes pain. This unstoppable murderer is known as mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor that develops on the mesothelial cells of either the lungs, heart or abdominal organs, and plagues those who have been exposed to asbestos for a prolonged period of time. Many who fall victim to this disease are people who have worked in specific trades or fields prior to the 1970s, such as blacksmiths, electricians, millwrights, and oil refinery workers.

Since it can take up to forty years for symptoms to surface, mesothelioma-related deaths are higher than ever in the 21st century. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that 1,493 people died from asbestos in 2000, compared to 77 people in 1968.

Mesothelioma treatment methods differ depending on the stage of the cancer upon detection, as well as the patient?s age and personal choice of treatment. The four distinct stages of the disease are a factor in determining the type of mesothelioma treatment that can be carried out. The first stage is when the tumor has had limited growth on the pleural lining (the lining of the lungs). At this stage, an attempt can be made to surgically remove the entire tumor. However, if the tumor is detected at a later stage when it has invaded surrounding areas, it is considered incurable.

Traditionally, the later stages of mesothelioma have been treated with either chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells while radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.

Although mesothelioma treatment methods have been proven to prolong patients? lives, they cannot cure the disease. Ongoing clinical trials are dedicated to overcoming this debilitating illness. Current experimental treatments include the following:

Drug Therapy: A drug called Alimta, developed by Eli Lilly, has been shown to significantly increase the life expectancy of patients and decrease symptoms of the disease. It is the only chemotherapy drug to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Gene Therapy: This mesothelioma treatment is currently in the experimental stages. The process involves inserting a \suicide gene\ directly into the tumor. This gene makes the cells sensitive to a normally ineffective drug called glanciclovir which destroys all the cancer cells and leaves the healthy cells unharmed.

Photodynamic Therapy: Still in its experimental stage, photodynamic therapy uses light to kill cancerous cells. The patient first receives a photosensitizer that only collects in cancerous cells. Fiberoptic cables are then placed in the body in order to focus the right frequency of light on the tumor. The photosensitizer is then caused to produce a toxic oxygen molecule that kills the cancer cell.

Immunotherapy: Also referred to as biological therapy, this mesothelioma treatment uses the body\'s personal immune system to defend itself against mesothelioma. It has been discovered that the immune system is capable of deciphering healthy cells from cancerous cells, and can thus eradicate those cells that cause cancer.

While treatment methods are still in the developmental or experimental stages, there is hope that one day all mesothelioma victims will be freed from the murderous hands of this fearsome disease.

About the Author

Maggie Kay is a freelance writer from Montreal and is the head researcher and content?manager of Mesothelioma Attorney Advice Center (www.maacenter.org).

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Asbestos Mesothelioma A Deadly Disease

Asbestos- the Main Culprit behind Asbestos Mesothelioma

Asbestos mesothelioma is a rare but dangerous cancer caused by exposure to asbestos particles suspended in the air. Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring silicate minerals. It is made up of strong and durable fibers that are resistant to heat and fire. Thin long and flexible structure of asbestos fibers allows you to weave them even into cloth. These inherent qualities of asbestos prompted the manufacturers of industrial, automotive, maritime, scientific, building and consumer products to use it widely during 1890-1970.

Different Types of Mesothelioma and Their Symptoms

Asbestos mesothelioma affects the lining of lungs, abdominal organs or heart. Asbestos mesothelioma affecting lining of lungs or pleural membrane is called pleural mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining of abdominal organs or peritoneum. When this disease shows its effect in the lining of heart or pericardium, it is known as pericardial mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are pain and swelling in abdomen, weakness, loss of weight, loss of appetite and nausea. In most of the cases, fluid accumulates in the peritoneal space. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are persistent cough, difficulty in breathing, weakness, loss of weight, loss of appetite, chest pain, lower back pain and difficulty in swallowing. In most of the cases, a fluid accumulates in pleural space.

Asbestos Mesothelioma Kills Silently

Most unfortunate thing about the asbestos mesothelioma is its long latency period. Any individual, who had asbestos exposure even 20 to 50 years back, may have asbestos mesothelioma lying dormant in his body without any appearance of aforementioned symptoms. By the time, symptoms become noticeable, it is already too late. The average survival time of all types of mesothelioma patients is not more than 24 months.

Diagnosis of Asbestos Mesothelioma

Diagnosis of asbestos mesothelioma involves x-ray, CT-scan, peritoneoscopy and bronchoscopy. After finding any abnormality doctor may suggest biopsy. In biopsy, we send a tissue sample for pathological examination. After examining tissue sample an expert pathologist can confirm about the development of disease.

Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery are some treatment options available for the patients suffering from asbestos mesothelioma. People suffering form asbestos mesothelioma can filer lawsuits to recover damages for the persons or industries responsible for their asbestos exposure.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Mesothelioma Types

Mesothelioma Types

Exposure to asbestos or asbestos related products can cause a rare type of cancer called Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is separated into two groups, malignant and benign.

The three main types of malignant mesotheliomas are epithelioid, sarcomatoid and mixed/biphasic. Epithelioid is the most common kind as around 50-70% of all mesothelioma cases reported are this type. Epithelioid also has the best chances of survival. It affects the internal organs and internal surfaces coverings. Sarcomatoid is a much more serious condition as it affects the secondary tissues in the body such as cartilage, muscles, bone and fat. However, this cancer is much rarer, as it only occurs 7-20% of the time. Mixed/biphasic is having both types of the cancer at once, and this makes up 20-35% of the occurrences.

There are three targeted areas that mesothelioma can affect. Pleural mesothelioma affects the pleural cavity around the lungs and is responsible for a majority 75% of all cases diagnosed. Peritoneal mesothelioma accounts for 10-20% of all cases and affects the tissues in the abdomen (especially the stomach and intestines). Pericardial mesothelioma is the rarest form which affects the sac and lining surrounding the heart.

Regardless of the type, mesothelioma is fatal. Survival rates are usually only 1-5 years after diagnosis. If you or a loved one has been affected by mesothelioma, you may have the legal right to seek compensation for your suffering. Please visit http://www.resource4mesothelioma.com for more information.

This article may be freely re-printed as long as this resource box is included and all links stay in-tact.

วันศุกร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Avoid Further Mesothelioma Injury Through Prompt Treatment

Mesothelioma injury can be classified into three main groups, Pleural (chest), Peritoneal (abdominal) and Pericardial (heart). All three types of Mesothelioma injury are mainly cause through exposure to an Asbestos related substance.

Mesothelioma injury arises when the Mesothelioma cells surrounding the lungs, heart, or abdominal organs become cancerous. The Mesothelioma cells change to form nodules, which can then clump together to form a tumor, or tumors around the organ.

In more extreme cases of Mesothelioma Cancer, the Mesothelioma tumor can break through the walls of the organs that it surrounds and cause internal damage to the organ. Also, in some cases the Cancer can travel through the blood stream and affect other organs, not directly surrounded by the original Mesothelioma Cancerous Cells.

The origins of Mesothelioma injury begin when a person is exposed to an asbestos related substance. The person either inhales the Asbestos fibers, or the fibers enter the skin. These fibers either lodge in the lungs, or travel through the body and affect the heart, or abdominal organs.

The bodies natural defense system will attempt to eradicate the fibers from the body, through attempts to expel the fibers. However, some fibers will become lodged in the Mesothelioma cell layers that provide a protective layer around the lungs, heart and abdominal area.

Over time, the Mesothelioma cells surrounding the fibers, can change consistency and become cancerous. It is at this stage that the Mesothelioma injury begins to occur, as it turns into Mesothelioma.

However, Mesothelioma injury also includes the conditional affects that occur as a result of having Mesothelioma Cancer. Some of these conditional affects include, immune deficiency, which can lead to a slow break down of the bodies defense system.

Once the bodies defense system begins to break down the body can become subject to colds and other such illnesses. The overall affects of having Mesothelioma Cancer can lead to an array of Mesothelioma injuries and has the potential to cause major organ failure.

In order to prevent the adverse affects of Mesothelioma injury, Mesothelioma doctors have been implementing various treatments that aim to prevent further damage. Some of these treatments include, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immune augmentative therapy.

In regard to Mesothelioma Cancer, Surgery aims to remove the Cancerous Mesothelioma cells, while chemotherapy uses drugs to kill the Cancerous cells. Radiation therapy also aims to eliminate the Mesothelioma cells, while immune augmentative therapy aims to restore the body?s natural immune system to a level in which it can be effective in helping to fight the effects of Mesothelioma Cancer.

All of these treatment methods are aimed at preventing further Mesothelioma injury to the patient. If you, or someone you know, have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma Cancer, ensure that you seek immediate treatment to prevent the affects of Mesothelioma Cancer and to avoid further Mesothelioma injury.

About the Author

Learn more about mesothelioma treatment and asbestos litigation go here: http://www.mesothelioma-treatment-center.com/mesothelioma-injury.htm

Mesothelioma Research Search For Hope

Mesothelioma research refers to the studies for discovering new facts or information about mesothelioma cancers. Mesothelioma is a life threatening cancerous disease. It affects the lining of abdominal organs and lungs. Only known reason of this disease is exposure to asbestos particles. Diagnosis of mesothelioma is a difficult process. This is mainly because asbestos particles may lie dormant in the body for up to 50 years before appearance of symptoms. Average survival time of mesothelioma patients is 1-2 years. Mesothelioma research is important considering the increasing number of mesothelioma patients every year.

Key Points of Mesothelioma Research

Most of the mesothelioma research going on today is focused towards the effects of asbestos particles on human cells. Scientists undertaking mesothelioma research are studying the process through which asbestos corrupts the healthy cells of the body. Ongoing research about mesothelioma provides a ray of hope that sometime in the future it may become possible to prevent the damaging effects of asbestos particles on human cells.

During the course of mesothelioma research, experts are also performing clinical trials on the mesothelioma patients. They are conducting clinical trials on the patients who are diagnosed for mesothelioma cancers on early stages as well as later stages. Doctors emphasize on trials on both types of patients because both of them equally require relief from mesothelioma cancers. Ongoing mesothelioma research and newer information every day provides hope to mesothelioma victims that any trial can result into the discovery of an effective treatment for mesothelioma cancers.

Sponsors of Mesothelioma Research

Many organizations including the companies responsible for the exposure to asbestos particles are sponsoring mesothelioma research. It is the moral duty of those companies because many people are on brink of death because of their negligence. Law firms are also keeping a close watch on mesothelioma research because many patients are adopting legal course for seeking mesothelioma compensation. A mesothelioma law firm has better chances for getting compensation for its client if they better information about this dangerous disease.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Mesothelioma The largest Man Made Epidemic

Mesothelioma ?? The largest Man Made Epidemic By Lorraine Kember

It is documented that Australia had the highest per capita use of asbestos in the world from the 1950??s until the 1970??s. As a tragic consequence, Australia now has the highest per capita incidence of mesothelioma in the world. With more than 500 Australians contracting mesothelioma per year, it is estimated that up to 18,000 Australians will die from this asbestos related cancer by the year 2020.

Despite the growing awareness of the dangers of asbestos, there are many people who have not heard of Mesothelioma. This asbestos related cancer is defined as: a malignant spreading tumor of the mesothelium of the pleura, pericardium, or peritoneum, arising form the inhalation of asbestos fibers.

One of the most baffling and frightening known facts concerning Mesothelioma is that many years may pass, between inhalation of asbestos dust and its deadly legacy of disease; it is not uncommon for four decades or more to pass before symptoms due to asbestos dust inhalation become apparent.

In November 2004, I was an invited speaker at the Global Asbestos Congress 2004, held in Tokyo Japan. Over 800 participants from 40 countries around the world were in attendance. To be a part of such a large gathering of fellow humans, united in a quest to rid the poison of asbestos from our environments was an intensely moving experience. Having lost my husband to mesothelioma I know first hand the suffering this cruel disease places on its innocent victims.

There were many speakers and each told a tale, of pain, death and heartache. We listened, we understood and we ached for the past, present and future victims of the killer asbestos and its legacy of mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases. We listened and we were shocked and angered to learn that despite the growing awareness of the dangers of asbestos and the increasing incidence of asbestos related disease, there remains some countries who are mining asbestos with little or no regard for their workers or people who will come into contact with asbestos products.

Asbestos disease Association member??s world wide are working tirelessly and fighting almost insurmountable odds to ban asbestos from all countries of the world. It is a sobering and frightening fact, that even if we were successful in this quest, the legacy of asbestos related diseases will continue for five decades.

Add your voice to the many who want this killer product erased from the worlds environments ?? Add your voice to the call that pleads for adequate compensation for victims and their families. Sign the online petition at Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization: http://www.asbestosdiseaseawareness.org

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) continues to raise public awareness about the dangers of asbestos exposure and the incurable and often deadly asbestos related diseases. ADAO is quickly expanding and uniting veterans, fire-fighters, shipbuilders, teachers and thousands of other innocent people around the world. Asbestos Awareness leads to education, prevention, new treatments and ultimately a cure.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Lorraine Kember is the Author of \Lean on Me: Cancer Through a Carer\'s Eyes.\ www.cancerthroughacarerseyes.jkwh.com
A powerfully moving and inspirational true story about her husband\'s courageous battle with mesothelioma and her emotional journey as she cares for him. This touching book includes helpful information on topics such as: cancer pain management, symptom control, and coping with grief. Diary excerpts and poems Lorraine penned along the way are interspersed throughout this book and further depict the depth of their love for each other, the sense of helplessness she experienced on his diagnosis, and her growing strength as she comes to realize that there is much she can do to improve the quality of his life. This book has been highly recommended by the Cancer Council, as well as numerous other organizations and doctors. To read more about this book or order it online, please visit the link above.

วันพุธที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

What is a Mesothelioma Lawyer

What is a Mesothelioma Lawyer?

Mesothelioma lawyers deal specifically with cases concerning people being exposed to asbestos in the work environment. Asbestos was used as a building material years ago because it was not flammable and did not conduct electricity. However, later studies have shown it can cause some forms of cancer. Mesothelioma, a form of cancer that affects the inner lining of the chest, is one of those forms of cancer. Because asbestos was a common building material and is still found, there has been a call for mesothelioma lawyers to look into cases of people who were exposed to asbestos and have been diagnosed with this form of cancer.Mesothelioma lawyers deal specifically with cases concerning people being exposed to asbestos in the work environment. Because asbestos was a common building material and is still found, there has been a call for mesothelioma lawyers to look into cases of people who were exposed to asbestos and have been diagnosed with this form of cancer.

The Mesothelioma Lawyer and Asbestos Cases

Before asbestos was found to be a potential cause for cancer, it was seen as a great building material. Therefore it was used a lot, and both workers who installed it and employees who worked in these buildings were unknowingly exposed to a cancerous element. These people are only now seeing the effects of their exposure to asbestos, and are bringing cases against the companies that either installed it or owned the buildings. The cases are increasing, causing a need for a specialized brand of lawyer - the mesothelioma lawyer.

Some types of asbestos that can cause cancer:

  • Amosite
  • Anthophyllite
  • Chrysotile
  • Crocidolite
Mesothelioma Lawyers and the Courtroom

Though has not yet been definitively proven that asbestos cause Mesothelioma, many studies have been done to prove a link between the two... enough studies to make mesothelioma lawyers very busy. The asbestos is made of loosely bonded fibers, which can easily be separated. These fibers can float in the air and easily get into your respiratory system. Before these studies, when asbestos was used as a common material, no one suggested the need for proper safety procedures - a fact that mesothelioma lawyers point to as a reason their clients now have this form of cancer.

Want to learn more about Mesothelioma Lawyers and other types of lawyers? Research Lawyers is a collection of free articles related to law and lawyers.

About the Author


วันอังคารที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Mesothelioma Sarcoma

What Is Mesothelioma Sarcoma?

Between the two forms of tumors of the mesothelioma, which are either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), the latter is more common and dangerous, popularly known as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is characterized by its dangerous potential to spread to other parts of the body.

Types of Mesothelioma

There are three different types of Mesothelioma:

1) Ephitheliod: It affects the membranous tissue covering the internal organs and surfaces of the body. Though majority of the mesothelioma cases occurring today belong to this type, it has the best prognosis (outlook for survival or treatment).

2) Sarcomatoid: It is also known as mesothelioma sarcoma. It arises from supportive tissues such as bones, muscles, cartilages and fats. About 7% to 20% of mesothelioma cases are of this type.

3) Mixed/Biphasic: 20% to 35% of mesothelioma cases belong to this type. It carries both the features of the above two types.

The treatment options remain the same for all the types.

Physical Aspects of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma arising from the chest cavity are known as pleural mesothelioma and amounts to an approximate three fourths of the total cases. Peritoneal mesothelioma, which starts and spreads in the abdomen, constitutes 10% to 20% mesothelioma cases. Mesothelioma affecting the covering of the testicles, which is in fact an out- pouching of peritoneum into the scrotum, is rather uncommon. Cases of Pericardial Mesothelioma that starts in the cavities of the heart are also very rare.

Mesothelioma and the Masses

New cases of mesothelioma, even though they are less common, amount from 2000 to 3000 every year only in the United States. Most of the patients diagnosed with mesothelioma are from the age group of 50 years and above with majority being the people in the seventies.

This is primarily due to their exposure to asbestos in the 1940s and 1950s or even earlier. Exposure victims of later year??s i.e.1970s and 1980s are yet to be diagnosed. Men are more susceptible than females with male victims constituting 3 to 5 times higher in numbers than females. This is probably because during that period women liberation movements were started, which resulted into barring them from construction works. On the racial parameters, it is more common among the Caucasians than African Americans.

Even though mesothelioma sarcoma cases are rare, they are extremely dangerous. People diagnosed with the disease are mostly in their last and critical stages, making their treatment more difficult in comparison to other forms of cancer. The survival time ranges from one to two years. With unparallel advancements in modern science and medical technology, chances of mesothelioma treatment and recovery have always been increasing.

The good news is that the patients suffering from mesothelioma sarcoma can file lawsuits for seeking compensation against the companies responsible for asbestos exposure.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

วันจันทร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

An Overview Of Mesothelioma Cancers

What are Mesothelioma Cancers?

Mesothelioma cancers are the cancers that spread in the mesothelium tissues. Mesothelium in general is the name of tissue that forms lining of different body organs such as heart, lungs, abdomen and reproductive organs. The lining around abdominal organs is known as peritoneal membrane. Lining around lungs is called pleural membrane while the lining around heart is called pericardium.

These linings perform two functions. They protect the internal organs by producing a lubricating fluid and to allow the smooth movement of the internal organs. Mesothelioma cancers are the cancers affecting these membranes. The names of the cancers depend on the tissue or linings they affect. Peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma are the names of cancers of linings of abdomen, lungs and heart, respectively. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common of all mesothelioma cancers and is found in 70 % of the mesothelioma patients. Peritoneal mesothelioma constitutes 10% to 20% of the mesothelioma patients while third type pericardial mesothelioma, is rare.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma Cancers

Symptoms of mesothelioma cancers are same as of other common diseases. It makes diagnosis mesothelioma cancers a difficult task. Pain and swelling in abdomen, weakness, loss of weight, loss of appetite and nausea are some symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are persistent cough, difficulty in breathing, weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness, chest pains, lower back pains and difficulty in swallowing.


History of mesothelioma cancers goes back to as far back as 1900s. It took about 60 years to gather sufficient information about these mesothelioma cancers. By the end of sixth decade of last century, experts could conclude that exposure to asbestos particles is the reason behind the disease. J. C. Wagner was first researcher to report 32 cases of mesothelioma cancers and confirmed its association with asbestos exposure.

One alarming fact about the mesothelioma cancers is its extended latency period. These cancers may remain asymptomatic in the body for even up to 50 years. Chances of survival for mesothelioma patients are rare and the average survival period after diagnosis is not more than 12-24 months. Surgery if diagnosed early, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are some common treatments for all types of mesothelioma cancers. People suffering from mesothelioma cancers can file lawsuits to recover damages for medical expenses and other damages. They can file the lawsuits against the persons and companies responsible for causing asbestos exposure.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

Mesothelioma Help

According to the National Cancer Institute, mesothelioma is a malignant cancer of the pleura, the peritoneum, and the pericardium (the sacs lining the chest, abdominal cavity and the heart). Malignant mesothelioma has been linked to asbestos exposure, and those exposed to more asbestos or for a longer duration are likely to have more intense cases of mesothelioma. People stopped using asbestos in insulation materials in the 1970s, so with the 20 to 50 year latency period between exposure and acquisition of mesothelioma, many are just now discovering that they have the cancer.

People usually come into contact with asbestos through construction jobs or the clothes of family members working on construction sights. Asbestos is an insulation material used in pipes, boilers, cements, plasters, joint compounds, fireproofing spray, firebrick, gunnite, furnaces, roofs, floors, ceiling tiles, transite siding, brakes and clutches. Thus, the construction workers most exposed to asbestos include insulation intallers, boilermakers, plumbers, pipefitters, steamfitters, plasterers, shipyard workers, those in the Navy, electricians, mechanics, bricklayers, millwrights, carpenters, steel workers, and maintenance workers. Sites with the largest concentration of asbestos include shipyards, power plants, refineries, paper mills, manufacturing plants, foundries, and construction sites.

Since early symptoms of mesothelioma are non-specific, many sufferers will not be diagnosed with the cancer until it is too late to treat it. These early symptoms are often mistook for pneumonia (shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pain). If you feel that symptoms you are having could be related to mesothelioma, contact a doctor to diagnose you to know for sure what you have and what you should do. Diagnosis procedures can include x-rays, CT scans, MRI, PET, thoracoscopy, peritoneoscopy or a biopsy.

Fighting mesothelioma can be expensive and the disease can cause great emotional trauma to the patient and his or her family. If you have been diagnosed with asbestos related mesothelioma, a mesothelioma lawyer can help you fight those responsible for this cancer. If you have mesothelioma, the employer or organization that put you into contact with asbestos is at fault and you deserve compensation. Find a mesothelioma lawyer today. GA

Contact an experienced Mesothelioma Lawyer today.

Find a Mesothelioma Lawyer associated with a major Mesothelioma Lawfirm today at hugesettlements.

About the Author


วันศุกร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Mesothelioma Treatment

There are several methods of treatment for mesothelioma although none of these have a high success rate. In general, the chances of curing a mesothelioma patient depends on how much the cancer has developed and matured when treated. If tackled aggressively in its early stages, there is a good chance of survival. Due to the difficulty of diagnosing mesothelioma in its early stages, many mesothelioma treatments focus on improving the quality of life for patients.

Before a patient is treated upon, a doctor will decide what the best course of treatment is by considering the patient??s age, medical history, general well being and even weight. From here, the doctor will decide which of the three most common treatments are most suited to the patient??s condition. These treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


Surgery comes in two different types. Aggressive surgery is treatment which aims to gain long term control against the cancer and palliative procedures which aims to just relieve the patient of symptoms.

Aggressive surgery involves removing the pleura, the lung, the diaphragm and the pericardium. This procedure is known as extra pleural pneumonectomy. The aim of this is to remove as much of the tumour as possible without harming the patient. However, this is a very risky type of surgery and the chances are high of patient fatality within a month. Due to this, only young, fit individuals are referred to this form of treatment. Palliative procedures involve removing just the pleura in order to control the symptoms of the cancer. This is performed when mesothelioma is in an advanced form and is impossible to cure.


This is the most commonly known cure of cancer. Chemotherapy uses drugs to treat mesothelioma although many of these drugs have a poor success rate on patients. Combinations of drugs are often used to improve their effect. Some of these combinations have proved to be effective. Chemotherapy of mesothelioma is being improved regularly as research labs and pharmaceutical companies are discovering new and more effective drugs.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy uses radiation to kill the tumour which mesothelioma creates. However, this procedure is extremely difficult because of where the tumour grows. Due to the closeness of the tumour and many vital internal organs such as the heart and lungs, doctors have to be very careful as to the doses of radiation they use. Lower radiation doses can be used however this lowers its effectiveness.

Dual Therapy

This is often used and is just a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy combined. Surgery removes the majority of the tumour cells while chemotherapy and radiation therapy work on removing the remainder. This is an effective method and also lessens the symptoms of the cancer.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

All the detailed information you need on the symptoms, treatment, risks, science and more about mesothelioma can be found at:


Be sure to visit to learn more about this deadly cancer and how you can prevent it.

Understanding The Relation Between Asbestos Exposure And Mesothelioma Lung Cancer

An understanding of asbestos is necessary before we try to understand mesothelioma lung cancer. Asbestos, a natural fibrous mineral, used commonly in construction process and manufacturing industries is detrimental to human health. Continuous inhalation of its fibers enhances the susceptibility to respiratory disorders and can lead to many dangerous diseases. A leading example of such dangerous disease is Mesothelioma lung cancer. Actually, mesothelioma lung cancer is misnomer because mesothelioma cancers affect the lining of lungs (pleura) and abdomen and not the lungs. Since mesothelioma cancers mostly affect the lining of the lungs, it is generally called mesothelioma lung cancer. The workers who had worked in industries such as shipbuilding, asbestos mining, and asbestos production are vulnerable to mesothelioma cancers.

Mesothelioma and the Role of Carcinogens:

What is mesothelioma cancer and how does the lining of the lung become cancerous? Cancer is a tumor that is malignant in nature. Tumor is formed when there is abnormal cell division and cell multiplication in the cancerous cells. Exposure to carcinogens or cancer-causing material like cigarette smoke, asbestos and silica dust is instrumental in this abnormal cell division and formation of tumor.

Mesothelioma cancer is directly linked to asbestos exposure. However, those already exposed to asbestos have a greater chance of developing lung cancer if they are exposed to other carcinogens such as cigarette smoke. A study reports that the workers with a history of asbestos exposure and cigarette smoke are more prone to lung cancer than the non-smokers and those with no history of asbestos exposure.

Complications Associated with Mesothelioma Cancer:

Normally, the latency stage for asbestos-related diseases in general and mesothelioma cancers of the lining of lung in particular, 20-50 years, which makes detection of Mesothelioma a complicated issue. This situation is further aggravated particularly where the worker is also addicted to cigarette smoking. By the time, the disease shows its symptoms, a considerable exposure to additional carcinogens linked to cigarette smoking has already taken place. This makes a worker more vulnerable to lung cancer besides the vulnerability to mesothelioma cancers.

Mesothelioma Cancers and Legal Redress:

The Government is conscious of the ill effects of asbestos exposure and the seriousness of mesothelioma cancer. The employees working in factories with significant risk of asbestos exposure are eligible for Mesothelioma compensation, if the exposure is the cause of Mesothelioma. There has been a spate of lawsuits for seeking compensation for mesothelioma and lung cancers. In many cases, the courts have awarded heavy sums as compensation against the asbestos manufacturing companies.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552


Tragically the word mesothelioma is becoming more and more well known, the mere mention of it striking fear into all of us for we know that it is associated with death. Asbestos is the reaper, mesothelioma its hand maiden.

Asbestos, the wonder product of the fifties is now recognized as an enemy of the twentieth century. A ruthless enemy which will kill more people than the war. Men, women and children will fall victim to its prey, innocents who have at some time in their lives inhaled asbestos dust.

Most of us have been in contact with products containing asbestos in our life times. We sat in asbestos class rooms, stood beside our fathers as they cut asbestos fencing, pulled up old linoleum with asbestos clogged to the back of it. Visited the local tip where broken sheets of it lay open to the wind.

Records show that there are a higher number of people afflicted with asbestosis and mesothelioma who have directly worked in asbestos mines, ship yards and companies making products from asbestos; however there are a large number of people afflicted, who have never worked in these industries. Their contact with asbestos, due to the dust brought home on their husband??s clothes or from the asbestos tailings placed around mine houses and town perimeters. But the tragedy does not end there, children innocently playing in their own back yards played amongst the asbestos tailings as children elsewhere play in the sand. They had no way of knowing that their sand was asbestos blue. A good bath at the end of the day may have removed the dust from the skin but the dust in the lungs remained and would lay dormant for many years before claiming its deadly legacy.

Without warning, a healthy individual suddenly becomes short of breath, x-rays reveal fluid on the lungs and the night mare begins. Questions are asked and you answer, Yes, I was exposed to asbestos dust but I was only in the town for a few short months and that was over 40 years ago. How can this be? This is the most perplexing thing about mesothelioma. Why is there such a long period of time between inhalation of asbestos dust and onset of the disease? What triggers a strong healthy body to suddenly succumb to it? What can we do to prevent this from happening?

Blood tests are now available to determine whether mesothelioma is present in the body, before a person is aware of any symptoms. This is an amazing breakthrough and perhaps the first step towards curing the disease before it becomes terminal. Recently mesothelioma was cured in a mouse and attempts to give it back to the mouse were unsuccessful. This too is exciting stuff and holds a glimmer of hope for us all.

I have witnessed first hand the devastation of mesothelioma. My husband was a strong and virile man who rarely had a sick day in his life. Suddenly at the age of 52 he became short of breath and was subsequently diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma. He had lived in the asbestos mining town of Wittenoom in Western Australia for a few short months at the age of seven. The asbestos dust he inhaled then, took forty five years to become lethal. I still find this hard to believe.

Despite his prognosis of three to nine months, Brian survived for two years. He was 54 years old when he died.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Lorraine Kember is the Author of Lean on Me: Cancer Through a Carer\'s Eyes\ www.cancerthroughacarerseyes.jkwh.com
A powerfully moving and inspirational TRUE STORY about her husband\'s courageous battle with mesothelioma and her emotional journey as she cares for him. This touching book includes helpful information on topics such as: cancer pain management, symptom control, and coping with grief. Diary excerpts and poems Lorraine penned along the way are interspersed throughout this book and further depict the depth of their love for each other, the sense of helplessness she experienced on his diagnosis, and her growing strength as she comes to realize that there is much she can do to improve the quality of his life. This book has been highly recommended by the Cancer Council, as well as numerous other organizations and doctors. To read more about this book or order it online, please visit the link above.

An Insight Into Mesothelioma Cure

The doctors and researchers are looking for answers related to Mesothelioma cure but have not found any. Before we discuss about mesothelioma cure, it is necessary to know about what is mesothelioma and what are its possible causes. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the lining of the lungs and abdomen. High Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma cancers. Asbestos is a natural fibrous mineral that was widely used in the construction process, building material and many manufacturing units. Asbestos breaks into minute particles that float into the air, can be easily inhaled and settle on the clothes of workmen, leaving them and their family members prone to many health hazards.

Understanding Its Symptoms ?? A Step towards Mesothelioma Cure:

An understanding of mesothelioma symptoms can help in the process of mesothelioma cure. Some common symptoms of mesothelioma are difficulty in breathing, chest pain, and chronic cough. However, many times this disease lies in asymptomatic in the body, which makes mesothelioma cure an impossible task. Once detected, the chances of survival of an average mesothelioma patient are very bleak.

The options for Mesothelioma cure depend upon the different stages of the disease. In the first stage the treatments options depends on factors such as patient??s age, general health, organ affected and the size of tumor. Surgery is used for mesothelioma treatment and cure in the first stage. The doctors remove the tumor and the nearby tissues with a surgical process. However, the doctors use a combination of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy if the tumor has witnessed enormous growth.

Fluid collection in the chest and abdomen takes place in the advance stages of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma cure in these stages involves draining of the fluid to reduce discomfort. This process of treatment is known as Thorancentesis or Paracentesis. After this, the doctors use Surgery followed by radiation and chemotherapy. Treatment and efforts for mesothelioma cure can suffer a severe jolt if the disease strikes back. In that case, the treatment depends on the location of recurrence, and the patient??s medical history.

What If the Efforts For Mesothelioma Cure Fail?

As we have discussed the survival chances of mesothelioma patients are bleak and the possibility of mesothelioma cure are rare. In that case it is necessary to make the patients aware that they are legally entitled to claim compensation for the medical expenses, loss of income, lost earning capacity, pain and the mental trauma they are undergoing. Though the award of compensation cannot bring about mesothelioma cure or compensate for the loss of life, yet it can provide some relief to the mesothelioma victims and their family members.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

วันพุธที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Mesothelioma Treatments Some Basic Facts

Before we discuss about mesothelioma treatments it is important to have an understanding of what is mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the linings of lungs and abdominal area caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. It takes 30??40 years for this cancer to appear after the asbestos exposure. It is important to treat this cancer in the early stages otherwise it proves fatal. Various mesothelioma treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

There are two types of surgeries for mesothelioma treatments, Aggressive Surgery and Palliative Procedures. Before performing any surgery, it is necessary to check whether the heart and lungs are functioning properly. Of the two types, aggressive surgery, also known as Pneumonectomy, is complicated surgery performed on younger patients, who are good in health and can bear the surgery. Pneumonectomy involves the removal of extra pleural membrane. The main purpose of this mesothelioma treatment is to physically remove as much tumor as possible.

Palliative procedures of mesothelioma treatment are known as Pleurectomy. It is done in the early stages of cancer. This process of mesothelioma treatment involves surgical removal of pleura. However, the procedures are involved to lessen and control the symptoms rather than to cure the disease. This surgery reduces the pain caused by the tumor mass and helps in preventing the recurrence of pleural effusion. Complete removal of tumor is not possible with this procedure.

Chemotherapy is a mesothelioma treatment method that makes combined use of certain drugs for shrinking the tumor. Though some patients show only partial success to this method, some combinations of chemotherapy drugs have proved successful. Scientists have developed some new chemotherapy drugs for mesothelioma treatments.

Radiation therapy is the mesothelioma treatment method that makes use of nuclear radiations to kill the malignant cells and shrink the tumor. However, radiation therapy is an extremely difficult procedure. It can damage the healthy cells of heart, lungs, and other vital organs surrounded by radiation dosage. Dual therapy includes chemotherapy and radiation therapy along with the combination of surgery. This combination helps in killing any remaining tumor cells left after surgery and in relieving symptoms such as pain.

Mesothelioma treatments can be very expensive. However the patients suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos based diseases can file lawsuits for recovering damages medical expenses, loss of income, lost earning capacity, pain and sufferings. The mesothelioma victims can take help of expert asbestos attorneys to locate the defendants- persons/companies responsible for causing asbestos exposure.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

Mesothelioma A Deadly Lung Cancer

Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer of the lungs and the abdominal cavities. Unlike other diseases, the cause of mesothelioma is not natural. In most of the cases, it is a cancer of lungs inflicted on the human beings by the modern economic factors, which are also credited to bring prosperity to the corporate world.

The disease has left many dead and many more fighting for the failing health. The common symptoms related to the disease are breathlessness, dry cough and pain in the respiratory tracts followed by vomiting. The prime Cause of mesothelioma is the exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos is a natural fibrous material that was widely used in various industries and building materials because of its stability and heat resistant properties. However, asbestos is also a deadly contaminant and responsible for serious diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma cancers and lung cancer. Most of the diseases are caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers that could settle in the internal body organs and cause serious diseases. Mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases can lie dormant in the body for decades before diagnosis. The worst part is that after diagnosis the patient has hardly any left for fighting these diseases.

Asbestos has extensively been mined in South Africa and exported to UK & US factories for reprocessing. For many years, the industrialists enjoyed the benefits of asbestos as a cheap substitute to wood in Building Material Industry and an integral part of Brake Lining material used extensively in vehicles during the World Wars. Asbestos was also widely used as an Insulation material in the buildings and industries in the US and Europe.

The victims of mesothelioma can file lawsuits for seeking compensation against the companies responsible for asbestos exposure. They can seek compensation for medical expenses, loss of income, lost earning capacity, pain and sufferings. The family members and relatives of the people who die because of mesothelioma cancers can also file lawsuits for compensation to recover the loss of consortium care. A dozen of companies who made an exit from the business decades ago are still fighting the huge compensation bills pending against them for causing a major biological disorder. The courts have ordered huge amounts as compensation in most of the mesothelioma lawsuits.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

Adsense and the Mesothelioma bandwagon

Adsense greed : Jumping on the Mesothelioma bandwagon. There is money to be made from the ppc services, but many people are just not \getting it\.

Mesothelioma - Greed, Cancer, & Profit

What is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a malignant spreading tumor of the mesothelium of the pleura, pericardium, or peritoneum, arising as a result of the presence of asbestos fibres. It is diagnostic of exposure to asbestos.

Mesothelioma is Expensive...

The treatment of mesothelioma can be expensive and it also costs lives. Fair compensation for mesothelioma, assuming you hire a competent mesothelioma attorney, frequently means a settlement of over $1,000,000.

This has lead to many people researching mesothelioma on the web. A whole host of websites have sprung up, trying to cash in on the associated adsense revenue.

Mesothelioma CPC -

$1,000,000 settlements mean huge profits for the lawyers and attorneys who offer representation in these cases. This allows for some high value marketing efforts.

Recently, using the term \mesothelioma\ through adwords has cost the publishers up to, and sometimes over, $75 per click.

This translates into huge profit potential for all those webmasters making sites to take advantage of adsense and other ppc systems. Unfortunately, it has also given birth to a large amount of ad-filled pages, full of garbage.

Yet, still more and more people are jumping on the mesothelioma bandwagon, hoping to make a quick buck. All this competition is blamed for the cost per click dropping to a few cents - that\'s simple supply and demand.

But, does this mean the revenue source has completely dried up? NO.

The vast majority of these new sites are made by inexperienced amateurs, simply targeting the single word of mesothelioma, and spending no time on promoting their sites through good seo practices and traditional link building. These guys are moaning on the forums that they only earn $0.03 per click.

To the informed webmaster the potential for profit is still there. Use a keyword generating tool and some imagination to produce keyword phrases.

Make your content about class A suits, file actions, drop in comment about lawyers and attorneys and suddenly your adsense ads are more specific and higher paying. Webmaster doing this keep surprisingly quiet on the forums!

About the Author

Lee Munson is the webmaster for www.info-sales.co.uk, a site offering articles plus webmaster resources such as lists of free, non-reciprocal directories.

วันอังคารที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

The Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is being discovered more and more frequently in elderly men. The most common cause of mesothelioma is from asbestos exposure and affects the membrane of many of the most vital internal organs such as the lungs and heart. Mesothelioma is particularly hard to diagnose because it shows similar symptoms to many other more common diseases.

The most common form of mesothelioma is called pleural mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma accounts for 75% of all mesothelioma cases. Pleural mesothelioma affects the lining of the lungs and has symptoms such as chest pain, coughing, breathing and swallowing difficulties, shortness of breath, wheezing and weight loss. These symptoms apply to many less serious diseases but anyone with signs of these symptoms are strongly advised to consult their doctor as soon as possible.

A less common form of mesothelioma is peritoneal mesothelioma and this form of the cancer affects the abdomen. The tissue lining the abdomen is called the peritoneum and this is what is affected. Peritoneal mesothelioma accounts for 20% of all mesothelioma cases. The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are weight loss, abdominal pains, loss of appetite, weakness, nausea, and abdominal swelling. These symptoms become more and more severe as the cancer develops. To learn more about these symptoms go to http://www.1-mesothelioma.co.uk

Those who are exposed to asbestos or have been exposed have a risk of obtaining mesothelioma. It is important that mesothelioma is diagnosed in its early stages so that it can be treated quickly and aggressively. The earlier it is discovered, the more likely the treatment will be successful.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

All the detailed information you need on the symptoms, treatment, risks, science and more about mesothelioma can be found at:


Be sure to visit to learn more about this deadly cancer and how you can prevent it.

Asbestos Mesothelioma

Asbestos is the biggest work place killer today. Those who have worked with asbestos or who are regularly in contact with someone who has are at risk from asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. All these are fatal respiratory diseases which are extremely difficult to cure. Research is being carried out in various research labs all over the USA and many pharmaceutical companies are also endeavouring to find new drugs and treatment methods.

One rare disease caused by asbestos which is becoming increasingly common is mesothelioma. Although unknown by many today, it is almost certain that awareness of this disease will be broadcasted worldwide because of its increasing occurrence in men aged between 55 and 70. Many of these men are now lodging multi million dollar lawsuits against the companies who subjected them to asbestos. Those most at risk from mesothelioma are those who have been in regular contact with asbestos dust and fibres without sufficient protection. Just a couple of months of exposure to asbestos can lead to mesothelioma 30 years later. The latency period (amount of time the disease takes to start taking effect) of mesothelioma is 30 - 50 years which is one of the reasons it is so difficult to cure because it is very difficult to tackle in its early stages. Another reason it is so difficult to cure is that its early symptoms are characteristic of many other more common diseases such as pneumonia.

Mesothelioma symptoms include:

- Chest pains

- Coughing that worsens over time

- Weight loss

- Shortness of breath

- Coughing up blood

- Nausea and vomiting

- Fatigue

- Wheezing

- Lung infection

- Swollen lymph nodes

- Loss of appetite

A patient will feel symptoms depending on which type of mesothelioma he or she has got. For information on the different types of mesothelioma go to: http://www.1-mesothelioma.co.uk

In the next 35 years it is estimated that over 1 million people will die from asbestos related diseases in developed countries. Most of these people will die from lung cancer and mesothelioma as these two are the most prolific asbestos related diseases.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

All the detailed information you need on the symptoms, treatment, risks, science and more about mesothelioma can be found at:


All the detailed information you need on the symptoms, treatment, risks, science and more about asbestos can be found at:


Choosing a Mesothelioma Doctor

Mesothelioma Cancer is considered, within the medical profession, to be a serious illness. Mesothelioma Doctors are now available to those who are sufferers of Mesothelioma Cancer.

Mesothelioma Doctors are well educated in the cause of Mesothelioma Cancer, diagnosis of Mesothelioma Cancer, the affects of Mesothelioma Cancer and the available treatment for Mesothelioma Cancer.

Therefore, when choosing a Mesothelioma Doctor, ensure that they have expertise, or quality experience in the area of Mesothelioma Cancer. This can be achieved through your general GP?s general enquiries on your behalf, or through conducting your own research.

You might even consider making enquiries with the American Cancer Society, who hold a variety of information about different types of Cancer and where to seek help. When seeking help it is best to research all your available options and then choose the best one for you.

Some of the important information that you might need to tell your Mesothelioma Doctor include, what types of symptoms you are experiencing, how long ago since you were exposure to an Asbestos related substance and for how long where you exposed to the Asbestos related substance.

After you receive and initial consultation from your Mesothelioma Doctor, you may be required to undergo either a Chest CT scan, or a biopsy, depending on which type of Mesothelioma Cancer your Mesothelioma Doctor considers that you have.

Essentially, there are three possible types of Mesothelioma Cancer that you could have. These include, Pleural (Lungs) Mesothelioma Cancer, Peritoneal (abdominal) and Pericardial (heart).

Once your Mesothelioma Cancer doctor has made a definitive diagnosis, he/she will then be able to tell you which type of Mesothelioma Cancer you have, at what stage the Mesothelioma Cancer is, whether it has spread to surrounding organs, or whether it is contained within the original area of the diseases initiation.

Your Mesothelioma doctor will then discuss your treatment options in relation to the type of Mesothelioma Cancer that you have and what stage the Cancer is at. Your Mesothelioma Doctor should explain these options in detail, including any side affects and the recovery period.

Your Mesothelioma Doctor should also explain to you what the results of not undergoing these recommended treatment options could be. Essentially, your Mesothelioma Doctor should give you a detailed explanation of your entire prognosis.

Your prognosis should include details regarding any risks that you may be subjected to, the chances of the Cancer reoccurring following treatment and how long you are expected to survive once treatment has been implemented.

Keep in mind that through ongoing research into Mesothelioma Cancer, treatments are becoming more effective and patients diagnosed with Mesothelioma Cancer, who undergo treatment, are surviving for longer periods of time.

About the Author

Learn more about mesothelioma treatment and asbestos litigation go here: http://www.mesothelioma-treatment-center.com/mesothelioma-doctor.htm

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

The Facts about Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare form of mesothelioma that accounts for approximately 20% of all mesothelioma cases. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the tissue lining the abdomen which is called the peritoneum hence the name of this form of the cancer. The peritoneum protects the contents of the abdomen and is therefore very important.

Currently, only one cause of peritoneal mesothelioma is known and this is exposure to asbestos dust and fibres. Only a couple of months of exposure to asbestos without sufficient protection can lead to peritoneal mesothelioma thirty to fifty years later. Those suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma are mostly elderly men who worked amongst asbestos decades ago when workers were not protected from asbestos dust. Many of these men are currently lodging multi-million dollar lawsuits against the companies who exposed them to asbestos. Asbestos fibres can get into the peritoneum in two different ways. The most common way they reach the peritoneum is by them getting trapped in the trachea (windpipe) and bronchi (inside the lungs) by mucus and end up being swallowed. From here they can pass through the intestine wall into the peritoneum. The second way in which asbestos fibres can reach the peritoneum is by them lodging inside the lungs. They then move into the lymphatic system and get transported to the peritoneum. Constant exposure to asbestos leads to a great number of fibres being built up in the peritoneum.

The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are generally only felt when the cancer has developed greatly. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, weight loss, abdominal pains and loss of appetite. As the cancer matures, the symptoms will become more pronounced and severe. To learn more about the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma go to http://www.1-mesothelioma.co.uk

There are several treatments for peritoneal mesothelioma although all of them have a poor success rate. The likelihood of a patient surviving depends on how early and aggressively the cancer is treated. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery are the most commonly used methods of treatment. Research into the treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma is being conducted in research stations in the United States and by many pharmaceutical companies.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

All the detailed information you need on the symptoms, treatment, risks, science and more about mesothelioma can be found at:


Be sure to visit to learn more about this deadly cancer and how you can prevent it.

Your Mesothelioma Case

Your Mesothelioma case is important to you. You have been robbed of years of your life because of someone?s negligence. The question is what are you going to do about it? Mesothelioma is a serious disease. Mesothelioma is caused from exposure to asbestos materials. Often times, Mesothelioma takes decades for this disease to come to the surface. When it is noticed, Mesothelioma is often in its last stages, beyond medical treatment. What does this mean to you, the injured? What does it mean for your family as well? Mesothelioma is also reason to look into litigation.

There are many websites out there that will tell you about Mesothelioma, its causes and its treatments. What about the suffering that it causes? What about the years it takes off someone?s life? This is where Mesothelioma laws come into play. Every state has very stringent laws regarding asbestos material. Although it has been banned from use for many years, it is often found and people are exposed to it in older buildings. Most of the time it is not known to be there but, every state also has laws regarding proper care of asbestos material and precautions regarding its removal in order to prevent Mesothelioma. That is because of how serious a disease Mesothelioma is. You can find more about this at websites like www.thesmartattorneys.com.

If you are one of the people who have been exposed to asbestos and are now dealing with Mesothelioma, you should know that you may have a lawsuit claim. Now, perhaps you feel it is no ones fault. Or, perhaps it was so long ago that you just don?t want to dig it back up. The bottom line is this. If you were exposed to asbestos and it leads to Mesothelioma, you may have a case to help with your care, your family?s care, and even your medical bills. Mesothelioma is quite serious and someone should have to help with all of this, right?

To begin your search for information on Mesothelioma laws in your state, you can look on websites like www.thesmartattorneys.com . You can also look to that site for more information on finding a Mesothelioma lawyers. Your Mesothelioma attorneys will help you decide if and when you should pursue a Mesothelioma case. Find out what the laws in your area are regarding Mesothelioma. Find out if you have a Mesothelioma case.

About the Author

S A Baker is staff writer at http://www.thesmartattorneys.com

An Overview Of Asbestos Disease Mesothelioma

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos disease, mesothelioma cancers, lung cancers and asbestosis are the diseases caused because of asbestos exposure. Asbestos constitutes different naturally occurring fibrous minerals in some rocks and soil. It has found widespread use in industries and building materials such as fireproofing, roofing shingles, electric insulation, furnace, hot pipe covering, and friction products.

Recent studies have, however, revealed that exposure to asbestos can have damaging health implication resulting in asbestos disease and mesothelioma for both workers in industries making use of asbestos as well as those who live in the environment surrounding such places. Workers may inhale fine asbestos particles in the air; they also become exposed through skin contact with asbestos or by swallowing asbestos fibers while at work. These workers are vulnerable to asbestos diseases as mesothelioma and asbestosis.

Serious Effects Of Asbestos Disease- Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is the most serious of several asbestos-related diseases detected so far. This is because of the carcinogenic effect of asbestos particles. Asbestos can cause cancer of the lungs, esophagus, colon, rectum, stomach, vocal chords, and kidneys. About 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases of asbestos disease mesothelioma - a rare type of cancer of the mesothelium, the membrane that covers and protects most of the body internal organs ?? are the result of asbestos exposure at work.

Asbestos disease mesothelioma may not immediately manifest. The asbestos particles can lie dormant in the body for several years and manifest later, when the prognosis is very grim. It is possible that by the time the disease is diagnosed, the cancer may have already spread significantly. In view of health concerns all new uses of asbestos in the manufacturing industries have been banned in the United States from July 1989 onward. In particular, the use of asbestos in hand-held hair dryers was voluntarily stopped in 1979. Schools are required to test for use of asbestos roofing and it is removed or covered up.

Compensation To Victims Of Asbestos Disease Mesothelioma

The first case of asbestos disease mesothelioma was filed nearly 70 years ago. Employees in industries with considerable risk of asbestos poisoning are, in principle, eligible for mesothelioma compensation. The compensation is available only for those employees who run the risk of asbestos exposure since the 1940s. Recently, many mesothelioma patients have filed lawsuits for compensation. They have been awarded compensation on the ground that the owners of industries continued to use asbestos despite the information of the health hazards it entails. Currently, help is available to victims of asbestos disease mesothelioma through many specialized legal firms in the United States.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit www.asbestosblog.org/ for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

Mesothelioma Cancer What to tell children

Telling children about any serious illness or disease is not easy. The best approach is a direct one as children, even very young ones, often sense that something is not right. Their fears need to tackled and honesty is the best policy.

The amount of information you should give them depends on their age and how grown up they are. Being honest is one thing but giving them all the information at once may be too much. Try spreading it out a bit to ease the shock of the inevitable outcome.

Questions can be answered on a \'need to know basis\' initially but as more hospital vists are undertaken and the patient is unwell at times then more detail needs to be offered. Getting the same question over and over again from young children can be difficult at times but it should be realised that this is a normal part of their development.

Teenagers may have a particularly hard time as they now have to cope with additional strong emotions and extra responsibilies, as well as the usual emotions which are part of their development into adults. They may need to turn to others outside the family if they find it difficult to talk to family members e.g.family friend, teacher or counsellor.

Grief raises its head everywhere and it is important to reasure children that it is not their fault that this illness has happened. It seems to be common amongst children that they feel they are to blame and these feelings could last for some time.
Additionally, they may need to be put right about what they have heard from friends and other people as it may not be correct.

Children need to be dealt with sensitively but honestly. But manage the communication of information according to age, maturity and circumstances.


(c) Paul Curran, CEO of Cuzcom Internet Publishing Group and webmaster at Information on Mesothelioma, providing articles and information on asbestos and mesothelioma.
This article may be reproduced in its entirety provided the resource paragraph below is included with the url kept active.

The Facts about Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial mesothelioma is a very rare form of mesothelioma and accounts for approximately 5% of all mesothelioma cases. This form of mesothelioma affects the lining that surrounds the heart and is a deadly cancer if not treated agressively in its early stages.

The cause of pericardial mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos dust and fibres. As little as a couple of months of exposure to asbestos fibres can lead to pericardial mesothelioma between 30-50 years later. Due to this long latency period of the disease, it is very difficult to diagnose before the cancer has developed and matured fully. Those suffering from mesothelioma are elderly men aged 60-70 because this was the generation that worked with asbestos with little protection from its dust and fibres. The symptoms of the cancer have just started to show for these men due to the long time that the effects of mesothelioma take to come out. Many of these men are now lodging multi-million dollar lawsuits against the companies who exposed them to asbestos without sufficient protection. Asbestos fibres reach the lining of the heart by being inhaled and then getting lodged in the lungs. From the lungs they can either move into the lymphatic system and get transported to the lining of the heart or they can just pass slowly to the lining of the heart over time. Over a long period of time being exposed to asbestos, these fibres build up and once enough have accumilated in the lining heart, pericardial mesothelioma is a possibility.

There are a number of symptoms assosiated with pericardial mesothelioma. However, these are only felt when the cancer has matured and is in its late stages of development. These symptoms include, persistent coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain and palpitations. Other symptoms typical of all types of mesothelioma include loss of appetite, nausea and weight loss. Anyone who recognises that they have these symptoms or know someone who does then is encouraged by all leading medical advisors to seek medical help immediately. For more information on the symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma go to http://www.1-mesothelioma.co.uk

There is no certain cure to pericardial mesothelioma and all of the treatment methods used have a poor success rate. The chances of survival of a patient depend strongly on how early and aggressively the cancer is treated. This is why it is important to receive a diagnosis for pericardial mesothelioma as soon as possible. Treatment methods include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. More information on these methods of treatment can be found at http://www.1-mesothelioma.co.uk/treatment.html

Research into cures for pericardial mesothelioma is being conducted in labs all over the United States and many pharmaceutical companies are also investigating new drugs. As yet, research has only discovered a limited amount.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

All the detailed information you need on the symptoms, treatment, risks, science and more about mesothelioma can be found at:


Be sure to visit to learn more about this deadly cancer and how you can prevent it.